Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Thank goodness for the Independent Network who have emailled to remind me to put in my election expenses forms.

Now that I have found out how to do this, I stand a much better chance of winning next time. Watch out, Frank.

Thanks also to Richard Lefley at Camden who looks after all this sort of stuff.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Oh well. A new cabinet in place- and I wasn't invited.

Work continues- but now on a building down in the City.

Friday, 7 May 2010


By a mere 25,154!

Many thanks to all who voted for me. I will do (a lot) better next time.


Iain Meek
defeated Independent candidate for Holborn & Saint Pancras

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

the press

Finally got through to the press today. Leafleted them over the bank holiday weekend as they were closed then.

Too late for the Camden Gazette who were closing for the presses in 10 minutes!

But had an interview with Camden New Journal's Tom Foot and told my hopes and fears for this election. I hope it will be on the streets and well read before everyone starts voting. My opponents must be trembling! think he was taken by the idea that I'd come 4th as a Labour candidate for Council elections years ago, and had helped Frank to win some time ago- but that I'm now completely fed up with Labour's hopeless results after 13 years in power. The rich are richer, the economy is in shambles after Gordon Brown let the financiers get away with everything that wasn't nailed down and we're at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Must make more time to get everything done when I stand for re-election. Hopefully I won't have to split my time between work and lobbying/ canvassing/ whatever professional politicians get up to next time.

Apparently there is now an Independent party registered who will support independent candidates. I make a note to contact them in good time.

Meanwhile I make my own good luck.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

social sites

Just spent a few hours logging into social sites that cover the constituency.

Obviously a good party machine is wise.

I am still trying to make contact with the local press- CNJ and the Gazette.

My policies applied to real world questions.....


Thursday, 29 April 2010

Amazed to discover that I feature above David Adjaye- that most august of architects, who even appears on TV now.


23 April 2010

Will there be no end to the line of architects coming forward to stand as MPs? Iain Meek has now put himself forward as an independent candidate for Holborn St Pancras, where as a previous Labour activist he helped get Frank Dobson elected in 1979.

Meek says he has become disillusioned with the party and thinks MPs in general have become tainted with corruption.

“I was thinking about who to vote for and I didn’t want to vote for anyone so I thought I’d stand myself,” he says.

News in briefs

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Discovered yesterday afternoon that the Royal Mail last date for guaranteed delivery of leaflets is Friday. 23rd.

Having missed that, I'm wondering what to do next to get my policies out to the voters.....

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Super-rich become wealthier again, Sunday Times says

13 years of Labour. This is why I would not vote for Labour now.

But the collective fortunes of the top 1,000 on the list have risen by 30% in the past year - the biggest jump in the list's 22-year history - to £333.5bn.
BBC News channel

Questions for candidates:

1) Name

iain meek

2) Constituency

Holborn and saint Pancras

3) Why do you want to be an MP?

I could do a better job of it than any standing in my constituency

4) Why do you want to stand as an independent?

All the parties have shown themselves to be corrupt in the recent expenses scandal

5) What are the main issues facing your constituency?

Housing, schooling, the recession

6) How do you think you can make a difference?

By understanding the issues and voting, and encouraging others to vote, for sensible solutions

7) What are your five main manifesto points?

1 excellence generally- find the best dustbin man, the best illegal immigrant, the best civil servant- and give each one a medal. Obviously I'll get one for being the best MP!
2 sensible government by sensible people- well I'm an architect and we have to get things done. The current party system requires party candidates to vote on party lines much of the time- not to think for themselves.
3 independent MP's to back whichever Government policies are excellent and sensible- this party system has shown itself to be corrupt and encourages irresponsible activity by MPs.
4 a more equal society- tax the rich, not the poor- even higher taxes for the rich above a multiplier of the base rate- the multiplier dependent on what the Government needs to raise.
5 sort out the housing crisis- everyone needs a decent home in this climate. Especially people in Camden- which seems to suffer endless overcrowding and shortages.
6 an end to VAT on sanitary towels- these are not luxury items. Every woman needs these for much of her life.

8) What one thing would you like to say to voters in your constituency?

Vote for me

9) Where can voters find out more?


10) Please send a photo when you return the questions.

with thanks to


David Camerwrong presents a new Vision for Britain

Martin Bell

This public frustration and disillusionment with career politicians and party politics demonstrates an urgent need for independent candidates elected to public office.

Members of the public who support non-partisan politics are encouraged to support the efforts of the IN to get more independent politicians elected to public office.


parties in Camden

I see why having a party machine helps.

I'm trying to get leaflets vetted by the Royal Mail before I can get them published. Then I can start blitzing the constituency.

How to get more votes than Frank? The internet?

Friday, 23 April 2010

Somers Town

I hear that there's a bit of a debate going on about what to do with the site behind the British library.

Other parties seem to be suggesting more housing.

I would have thought it better to provide a park/ swimming pool or something like that for the community. Are there enough jobs in Somers Town. Housing only creates jobs during construction. If a lab is built there, it should create jobs for local people. Can the Planning Department create a Section 106 planning agreement with the lab people which requires locals to have jobs and that community facilities or shared space be available for locals to use.

It's been done before.

However housing might help ease the housing shortage.

I wonder if anyone has consulted locals?

Had a chat with one of the journalists from Building Design magazine- a specialist one that architects and builders read- and I find that I've been quoted.

Still waiting for a call from either the Camden New Journal or the Camden Gazette. I sent them emails days ago. I even spoke with one of CNJ's journalists at a hustings the other day. Maybe they are all busy with important things or the big parties.

I remain independent- of journalists.

23 April 2010

Will there be no end to the line of architects coming forward to stand as MPs? Iain Meek has now put himself forward as an independent candidate for Holborn St Pancras, where as a previous Labour activist he helped get Frank Dobson elected in 1979.

Meek says he has become disillusioned with the party and thinks MPs in general have become tainted with corruption.

“I was thinking about who to vote for and I didn’t want to vote for anyone so I thought I’d stand myself,” he says.

Read more: http://www.bdonline.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=437&storycode=3162337#ixzz0lvCFceBd

Thursday, 22 April 2010


I hear Nick Clegg is accused of naughty dealings with his constituency funds.

It looks as if all the existing political parties are dipped in the same sleaze.

A quick check and I find:

Secret Liberal Democrat plans to funnel thousands of pounds of taxpayers money into election propaganda have torpedoed Nick Clegg’s claims to be the new Mr Clean of politics.

Read more:

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Just heard from a friend that the Inland Revenue decided to pursue non-dom taxpayers. They have access to some overseas banks for 1 year. They offer non-doms an amnesty if they pay 10% of what they owe!

The rest of us are paying at least 20%. Everyone who wants to be part of Britain should pay their taxes in full. I would be happy to support more bureaucrats in the tax office to bring in what is owed by tax avoiders.

I think I'll head off to Belize to ask that Jeffry Archer if he'll finance my campaign.


My policies (for starters)

Policies By Iain Meek, Independent


By iainmeek

Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 21:04

My policies (for starters) are

1 excellence generally- find the best dustbin man, the best illegal immigrant, the best civil servant- and give each one a medal. Obviously I'll get one for being the best MP!

2 sensible government by sensible people- well I'm an architect and we have to get things done. The current party system requires party candidates to vote on party lines much of the time- not to think for themselves.

3 independent MP's to back whichever policies are excellent and sensible- this party system has shown itself to be corrupt and encourage irresponsible activity by MPs.

4 a more equal society- tax the rich, not the poor- even higher taxes for the rich above a multiplier of the base rate- the multiplier dependent on what the Government needs to raise.

5 sort out the housing crisis- everyone needs a decent home in this climate. Especially people in Camden- which seems to suffer endless overcrowding and shortages.

6 an end to VAT on sanitary towels- these are not luxury items. Every woman needs these for much of her life.

A quick CV

Born Glasgow 1957. My mother from Dublin, my father from Scotland. Grew up around Dumbarton and Aberfoyle, then schooled in Glasgow. Studied Architecture at Edinburgh University with a year in practice working for the Metroploitan Police. Diploma in Architecture. Worked as a senior student in Bath, then as an architect in small practices in London. Set up own practice in Camden Town in 1992. Board member of Housing Services Agency helping rough sleepers in London and board member of Humanist Housing Association helping run a housing association. Chairman of Camden Society of Architects, then a National Councillor for the Royal Institute of British Architects. Moved back to Glasgow to help aged parents. Moved back to London, living in Bromley. Finally back to Camden, living in rented flat in Belsize Park. Married with two children. A man ready top get involved and sort out problems.



Iain Meek Independent candidate for Holborn & Saint Pancras iain@meek.demon.co.uk

I've decided to stand for Parliament.

I've seen what's on offer and didn't like it. I don't want to be writing in 6 months "I could do a better job than ........" I'll be doing it. All I have to do is defeat the present MP, Frank Dobson, who has been in post for donkey's years with a current majority of about 7,000.

I helped Frank get in! I was a Labour Party member in the last few years of the Thatcher government. Now that I've seen what Labour are like after 13 years, it seems power corrupts.

Saw the opposition yesterday at a hustings in Saint Pancras station of all places- not impressed. A bunch of party hacks.

Oh well, someone's got to do it.

I'm standing for sensible government and for awarding excellence in all fields.

Wish me luck.


starting up

So this is blogging..............