Friday, 23 April 2010

Had a chat with one of the journalists from Building Design magazine- a specialist one that architects and builders read- and I find that I've been quoted.

Still waiting for a call from either the Camden New Journal or the Camden Gazette. I sent them emails days ago. I even spoke with one of CNJ's journalists at a hustings the other day. Maybe they are all busy with important things or the big parties.

I remain independent- of journalists.

23 April 2010

Will there be no end to the line of architects coming forward to stand as MPs? Iain Meek has now put himself forward as an independent candidate for Holborn St Pancras, where as a previous Labour activist he helped get Frank Dobson elected in 1979.

Meek says he has become disillusioned with the party and thinks MPs in general have become tainted with corruption.

“I was thinking about who to vote for and I didn’t want to vote for anyone so I thought I’d stand myself,” he says.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. I would like to vote for Frank Dobson........but that would be a vote for the Labour party.
    They have really messed up and don't deserve to be re-elected.
    Gordon Brown seems to have just taken over as Prime Minister without a vote at all.
    He also ran the country's finances, as Chancellor, and merrily let the bankers get away with their scams, toxic assets and dodgy mortgage deals for years.
    Even the banks that the Labour government took over are still handing out vast bonuses earlier this year.
    I wonder who will have to pay for it?
    You and me!

    However I do like Mr Dobson. But he's probably too old to take over as Labour leader.
