Policies By Iain Meek, Independent

By iainmeek
Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 21:04
My policies (for starters) are
1 excellence generally- find the best dustbin man, the best illegal immigrant, the best civil servant- and give each one a medal. Obviously I'll get one for being the best MP!
2 sensible government by sensible people- well I'm an architect and we have to get things done. The current party system requires party candidates to vote on party lines much of the time- not to think for themselves.
3 independent MP's to back whichever policies are excellent and sensible- this party system has shown itself to be corrupt and encourage irresponsible activity by MPs.
4 a more equal society- tax the rich, not the poor- even higher taxes for the rich above a multiplier of the base rate- the multiplier dependent on what the Government needs to raise.
5 sort out the housing crisis- everyone needs a decent home in this climate. Especially people in Camden- which seems to suffer endless overcrowding and shortages.
6 an end to VAT on sanitary towels- these are not luxury items. Every woman needs these for much of her life.
A quick CV
Born Glasgow 1957. My mother from Dublin, my father from Scotland. Grew up around Dumbarton and Aberfoyle, then schooled in Glasgow. Studied Architecture at Edinburgh University with a year in practice working for the Metroploitan Police. Diploma in Architecture. Worked as a senior student in Bath, then as an architect in small practices in London. Set up own practice in Camden Town in 1992. Board member of Housing Services Agency helping rough sleepers in London and board member of Humanist Housing Association helping run a housing association. Chairman of Camden Society of Architects, then a National Councillor for the Royal Institute of British Architects. Moved back to Glasgow to help aged parents. Moved back to London, living in Bromley. Finally back to Camden, living in rented flat in Belsize Park. Married with two children. A man ready top get involved and sort out problems.
Iain Meek Independent candidate for Holborn & Saint Pancras iain@meek.demon.co.uk